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😎 Какие Оld books относятся к премиум сегменту?ТОП-3 дорогих моделей категории Оld books в Fama.ua - Antique edition "Apostle" 1695, Ancient book «Triod' tsvetnaya», in 1631, Kiev, Rare book "Description of Ukraine", Guillaume Boplan, 1832, St. Petersburg, Karl Kray printing house
❤️ Какие Оld books самые популярные в 2025 году?ТОП-3 самых популярных модели Оld books на сайте: Fama.ua - The book "From the Volyn and Polissya raids" by Nikolai Gordienko. Toronto, 1959, Book Panteleimon Kulish "Black Council. Chronicle of 1663", Shevchenko Society, Lviv, 1890, The book "Mazeppa. Opera in three acts, the plot of the compositions with Pushkin's poems, music by P. Tchaikovsky", published by P. Jurgenson, Warsaw, Kiev, Leipzig