Vizuri скульптура «Дайвер с дельфином»
ID: 3211
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The diver photographing the beauty of the underwater world is represented in The Diver with a Dolphin statuette from Vizuri.
The figurine represents a fan of scuba diving and photography designed by the Vizuri sculptors. He is frozen at the moment of the successful shot of a dolphin swimming underwater. The harmony of movement amazes and delights us with its dynamics and plasticity. The elegant sculptural composition is made of bronze with enamel elements and a marble pedestal.
Both nature enthusiasts and fans of the underwater world, and photography will enjoy the magnificent handmade statuette Diver with a Dolphin from Vizuri!
Item Weight: 2.3 kg;
Item Width: 15 cm;
Item Height: 20 cm.