Prince. Art of War by Niccolo Machiavelli
ID: 8937
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Niccolo Machiavelli was a popular Italian thinker and politician who has become known to the general public thanks to a number of legendary military-theoretical philosophical systems of his own creation. Although Machiavelli earned a reputation of somewhat a cynic, few were able to challenge his principles of political strategy. The main idea of building an effective political system according to Machiavelli is to tilt toward the side of power, even if it is necessary to neglect the moral beliefs established in the society.
In the book Prince. Art of War the author provides the managerial approaches, methods of seizing power and basic skills that a successful ruler must possess. The publication describes the principles of using the power of authority, which have not lost their relevance in modern realities and even established themselves as fundamental rules for building an effective management system.
Would you like to expand your understanding of global military-political processes and hone your strategic thinking? Purchase the git edition of Prince. Art of War that will become your indispensable assistant in the implementation of the most daring and outstanding plans.