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The exclusive book of Robert Greene's The 48 Laws of Power

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Robert Greene’s The 48 Laws of Power is considered one of the most scandalous and challenging books of our time. Written in a cynical and, as some critics say, even immoral style, this book tells us about the manipulative principles of power.

Having familiarized themselves with the basic concepts contained in this publication, each reader will be able not only to improve their understanding of the principles of management but also to acquire skills of seduction and manipulation, which are always easily applicable in many life situations. By following the author’s advice, you will be able to discover and profitably use your natural talents, and thanks to the acquired depth of understanding of the management processes, your every word and gesture will become a real weapon that will serve you in achieving your goals.
Would you like to charm an interesting person or get a promotion? No big deal. Put the knowledge learned from this book into practice, and the result will not be long in coming.

The author of the book is a popular American writer of psychological literature. One of the main directions of Robert Greene’s work is the study of the mechanisms of the functioning of power and their application in political and public sectors.

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